Get Your Blockchain Expert Certification

With an ever-growing demand for experts who understand Blockchain, the need for certifications in the field has gone up. Anyone aspiring to acquire an expert badge to demonstrate their competence has every reason to read this post. We discuss the importance of getting certified in Blockchain and reveal what expert certification to earn.

Why a Blockchain Certification?

Technology is always in a constant and faster change and anyone who fails to move with it faces the risk of remaining behind. As much as Blockchain technology has reached the level of mainstream application due to the entry of Bitcoin back in 2008, it was until 2016 and 2017 that it received the status of a tech option for the real world. The potential that Blockchain has in transforming the sharing of information across open as well as private enterprise networks is seen in the promises that Blockchain technology offers in the long term.

Therefore, the majority of candidates who aspire to create a career out of this emerging, promising and futuristic technology look for expert credentials in Blockchain. Anyone wishing to explore a credential in Blockchain tech must establish an essential foundation. Often, most candidates face challenges finding the right badge to demonstrate their expertise in Blockchain. And with this post, we get deeper into what a certification in Blockchain implies while bearing in mind what it means to be an expert in Blockchain.

Also, with the revelation of what it means to be certified in Blockchain technology, you will be able to get supportive insights. However, the topmost intention of this discussion is to help you dive deeper into the Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional (CEBP) credential. Included are reasons why the CEBP badge is ideal when it comes to Blockchain technology.

If you’re ready to get certified you can see our comparison of the best Blockchain Training Courses here.

Reasons for Blockchain Technology

When most people hear about expert Blockchain certifications, what comes to their minds is the related roles as well as responsibilities. But what is the work of an expert in blockchain technology? Before we give you the definition, perhaps you should get more about this technology and how significant it is today. First, you ought to understand that Blockchain is a ledger system that is publicly distributed and is based on a network system called peer-to-peer.

It’s possible to share this public ledger openly among varied users targeting creation of immutable transaction records. Every transaction is usually authenticated by users present within the chain, and with an extra transaction set, the data within the chain forms new blocks. The transaction updates on each Blockchain takes place with permission from all those who are taking part in them.

Most importantly, once the data enters the systems, it cannot be erased. Block-chain is a technology for writing once and appending many. This ensures records covering all transactions within the chain are verified. This shows the potential that the Blockchain technology has in transforming numerous conventional operations covering multiple industries. That’s why there is a rise in individuals seeking to become Blockchain experts through a certification.

Businesses that adopt the technology early face numerous setbacks as they seek to deploy it. This means there is a high possibility of them needing to hire experts in Enterprise Blockchain who can verify their competence. And this can be tricky for the potential experts since they have to set their goal and find the right Blockchain technology credential that can prove that they’re Blockchain Experts.

Who Are Blockchain Experts?

There is an assumption that individuals who have a long-term experience with Blockchain are Blockchain experts. Another is the assumption that anyone with a certification in Blockchain is an expert. Truth is it is good to have a clear outline of who an expert in Blockchain is so that you can get clarity on the related roles as well as responsibilities.

To achieve a badge in Blockchain technology, professionals can pursue intensive training and take certification exams to prove their know-how. With enterprises gradually learning more about how important the Blockchain technology is, the role of experts in this sphere also goes through transformation. Thus, it is unavoidable to get top Blockchain credentials that focus on different assortment of objectives and skills.

The job of a Blockchain pro today also shows on other critical responsibilities in today’s scenario. For instance, Blockchain experts must create new approaches for use in the latest actionable tools within the ecosystem for Blockchain. This is to guide transformation in business enterprises. And with the formidable possibilities of the Blockchain technology being immensely adopted, businesses and organizations are going to face shortage in experts with Blockchain technology skillset.

Why Blockchain Certifications Are Important

As the demand for Blockchain experts shoots, businesses are likely to consider an expert certification in the field as a measure of one’s expertise in Blockchain. Therefore, every individual aspiring to be an expert in the field should find out the implication of a credential in Blockchain technology.

Generally, credentials within the Blockchain system intends to develop and govern specific standards targeting provision of certifications to professionals in this growing sphere. A certification is an indication of an individual having met or even exceeded the set standards offered for an expert in Blockchain. Essentially, Blockchain badges are a reinforcement of skills in Enterprise Blockchain as being unique and with the ability to self-regulate.

It’s obvious that a certification in Blockchain validates the expertise as well as the knowledge of the holder in as far as Blockchain technology is concerned. They also prove their capabilities in developing Blockchain-based enterprise apps as well as systems. Further, a Blockchain expert badge means an individual can utilize Enterprise Blockchain with an intention of transforming business. Besides these attributes of the certifications, these are other functionalities that they also serve:

Prove Blockchain Expertise

Blockchain expert credentials prove how capable an individual is in developing effectual Blockchain enterprises.

Global Recognition

Leading Blockchain expert badges offer assurance for global recognition, thus enhancing the worth of your work regarding Blockchain.

Competitive Advantage

Professionals who are certified in the technology can compete from a point of advantage compared to those who are not. So, when there are prestigious jobs for Blockchain, anyone who is certified will attract the positions, unlike their non-certified counterparts.

Job Security

Evidently, Blockchain is a technology of the future and there is a possibility of it being adopted in the long term. Therefore, if you are certified in Blockchain, you can develop your career. And because of the rise of positions for Blockchain, the security of your job shall be assured.

Better Pay

An expert Blockchain certification helps candidates in bridging the gap existing between skills for Enterprise Blockchain and securing job opportunities with enhanced pay.

Enhanced Opportunities

Blockchain certifications assist professionals in strengthening their knowledge regarding the Blockchain technology for the enterprise. Experts certified in Blockchain can set their goals in establishing Blockchain technology businesses and pursuing them. For instance, if you are an expert in the technology, you can use it to develop and build Enterprise-based Blockchains and push it to a new level of success.

Supporting Career Development

An expert certification in Enterprise Blockchain can also be helpful in gaining better opportunities regarding job assistance. The appreciation for experts in Blockchain who have certifications can assist in giving them platforms for building their prominence on various professional networks like LinkedIn. This ensures that candidates can impress potential employers in real time.

For instance, an employer may wish to employ a certified Blockchain expert and wishes to know what roles they have played previously to determine how capable they are. Most importantly, Blockchain experts with certifications can also engage in discussions that can be technical or non-technical with other professionals online about Blockchain technology. Due to this, they can easily be recognized as experts in the field.


Who Does Blockchain Certifications Target?

So far, the value of a Blockchain certification has become more obvious than it has been generally assumed. But who should be the target of a Blockchain certification? And do you need it to enjoy a great career based on your current skills and roles professionally?

The truth is you don’t need to be interested in a career in Blockchain technology for you to go this direction. Even if it is about gaining helpful knowledge regarding emerging technologies, you can always go for an enterprise-based Blockchain certification. Application architects, engineering students, investors, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, system admins, security professionals, and more can gain great benefits with a certification in Blockchain.

Additionally, industry experts and professionals in senior management can opt for Blockchain credentials as a validation instrument for their refined expertise. With numerous benefits attached to Blockchain certifications, no candidate can avoid it. Therefore, it’s imperative that their focus should be on searching for credible certification providers.

CEBP Certification

Among the majority of vendors offering an expert certification in Blockchain, 101 Blockchains is at the top. Their CEBP certification is currently widely-recognized as a benchmark in Blockchain expertise.

101 Blockchains continues to gain reputation as a leader and an independent network whose Blockchain system is research-based. Therefore, for any reasonable candidate aspiring for a Blockchain credential, it’s critical for them to search for the details of the 101 Blockchains certification. To understand more about the certification as one of the leading, a deep description of the exam will suffice.

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CEBP Certification Ideal Audience

The CEBP certification by 101 Blockchains is an expert Blockchain badge. For those who wish to work with this technology, the CEBP is a great option. In addition, any individual wishing to learn the core Blockchain technology concepts as well as the related environment, this badge is ideal for them.

Also, the CEBP credential suits you if you are considering learning more about the approaches of implementing Blockchain. And if your interest is in learning about transformation for business using up-to-date actionable tools within the Blockchain space, then the CEBP certification is a perfect fit.

Exam Details for CEBP Certification

The program for the CEBP credential is basically designed to prove if an individual is knowledgeable and experienced in varied issues of Blockchain. It also evaluates a candidate’s knowledge about how Blockchain technology is impacting varied goals for the enterprise.

Above all, the CEPB badge fulfils the standards of intensive Blockchain expert credential through examining your abilities to practically engage with business executives. It tests their proficiency in addressing enterprise executive goals with utmost efficiency while providing feasible solutions.

In addition to the CEBP exam, the certification goes for $397, which also is inclusive of a training course. The CEBP training provides learning materials covering four weeks with 3-4 hours devoted for every week. The CEBP course modules offer an in-depth coverage of the test as well as its objectives in relation to the certification.


Domains for the CERB Certification Exam

Beyond everything, the CEBP exam content demonstrates how comprehensive it is as a platform to prove expertise in Enterprise Blockchain. What follows is a summary of the exam’s objectives available in every part of the Blockchain expert exam for the CEBP certification.

Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology

As the first item of the CEBP certification test, it covers how Blockchain technology works as well as its remarkable features. Learners ought to study topics that relate to concepts, differing Blockchain network variants, and features targeting objectives of this domain. Furthermore, this CEBP certification test objective also focuses on how smart contracts work.

Candidates should also be in a position to understand the various approaches intended to be used in improving their elements for command over as required in evaluating how small contracts affect traditional businesses. In this CEBP exam domain, these are the chapters included:

  • Blockchain fundamentals
  • How to create chain of blocks
  • Proof of work
  • Public as well as private Blockchain
  • Smart contracts

Platforms for Enterprise Blockchain

This CEBP certification test second domain is about comprehending how significant Bitcoin is beyond the confines of cryptocurrencies. Learners require capabilities to determine the various approaches targeting enterprise transformation using Enterprise Blockchain targeting this domain questions.

In addition, they also should enhance their abilities and fluidity in methodological approaches that ensure that technical perfection as well as business feasibility in solutions for Blockchain balance out well. These are the chapters covered by this CEBP exam domain:

  • Fundamentals of Ethereum
  • Corda basics
  • Basics for hyperledger fabric

Blockchain in Trade Finance

This CEBP certification exam third domain largely shows on how Blockchain technology is applied in the sector for finance. Learners are expected to begin by looking at a short overview of noteworthy crypto-assets in trade operations for finance that are based on Blockchain. Among the main topics covered is how crypto-assets correlate with crypto-currencies.

Learners must be adept in this aspect of the certification for CEBP Blockchain by ensuring they can learn the difference between authentic and fake cryptocurrencies. Other topics to cover include the utilization of crypto assets in specific Blockchain-based systems in addressing the disruptive impact of Blockchain on trade finance.

Another area covered is on the businesses that use Blockchain to manage operations for trade finance within this domain. It is critical as well for the learners to focus on the current cases of use for Blockchain technology. Candidates will come across questions requiring them to determine the classic use cases which suit specific business goals. In this CEBP certification domain, the outstanding chapters include:

  • Crypto assets as well as cryptocurrencies
  • Ripple fundamentals
  • Blockchain-based trade finance

Blockchain Applications

This is considered as among the most critical domains for the CEBP certification exam. As per 101 Blockchains market research, Blockchain technology has continued to have a prominent influence on operations for the management of supply chain. Applicants for the exam must get ready for topics targeting different ways on how the Blockchain technology for the Enterprise directly influences processes for supply chain management.

Most importantly, they ought to understand the varied tools as well as their implementation in practical use cases for supply management across various enterprises. To understand the applications of Blockchain, these candidates must develop skills and knowledge in chapters such as:

  • Blockchain-based supply chain management fundamentals
  • Use cases of Blockchain-based supply chain management
  • Digital transformation for Blockchain

Blockchain Use Cases

This is the last module in the profile for the CEBP certification test. Its emphasis is on how Blockchain can be applied. The aspects that candidates should specialize in include practical insights targeting varied cases of how Blockchain technology is used across varied industries. It is as well critical for them to understand how to identify proper tools targeting specific scenarios for business. In other words, the domain validates a candidate’s ability to use Blockchain technology in any real-life scenarios they come across in their varied roles related to Blockchain.

Therefore, one can clearly see how the CEBP certification is an intensive validation of one’s expertise in Blockchain. Besides testing their knowledge, the certification also evaluates their practical knowledge in the technology.

Among the most notable highlights of the CEBP credential is how it evaluates applicants in specific hands-on assessments. Therefore, it’s possible for candidates to obtain an all-rounded validation of their skills in Enterprise Blockchain. If you can notice, the CEBP certification doesn’t limit itself to the general implementation of Blockchain. This certification is going to be a helpful proof of candidates’ abilities as Blockchain experts.

Final Remarks

The financial investment you make for the CEPB certification is the best for your career. Without doubt, Blockchain technology is gradually gaining momentum and is being accepted across industries because of its benefits.

This includes security, transparency, and anonymity. Therefore, certifications like the CEBP are viable options of career instruments for anyone seeking to foster their expertise in Blockchain technology.

With the salary of a certified expert in Blockchain clocking $137,000, this indicates how promising a career in the field is. That’s just the start, see all the top blockchain certification salaries here. The most prominent thing about certifications like the CEBP targeting Blockchain technology is they don’t have any prerequisites. So, for anyone considering a Blockchain-based career, they should begin right away.

You can take a course to equip you with all you need to succeed with the technology and prove your expertise. As you begin, you only need to have fundamental computer science knowledge. On top of this is the motivation to traverse Blockchain technology and explore it thoroughly!

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James Edge

James Edge

James is on a mission to uncover the greatest study guides and prep courses to ensure you pass your exam on your first attempt. He has personally assessed hundreds of study materials and developed courses himself.

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